Quotes from the Movie The Karate Kid, Part III

"Look at this. Ten years ago, nuclear was the preferred waste. You could dump it anywhere! Now everybody's a detective. I'm lucky if I make one deal a YEAR without being indicted!"

Terry Silver

"Now the real pain begins, Danny-boy."

Terry Silver

"This slope, what's his name - Miyagi - and that punk kid - I'm gonna get them for what they did to you. They made you suffer, so I'm gonna make them suffer... and suffer and suffer and when I think they've suffered enough, then I start with the pain."

Terry Silver

"I love it when he pounds him!"

Terry Silver

"A man can't stand, he can't fight."

Terry Silver

"A man can't breathe, he can't fight."

Terry Silver

"A man can't see, he can't fight."

Terry Silver

"Room for one more down there?"


"You're next LaRusso! I own you."

Mike Barnes

"Sir, you said if I come down here and beat this LaRusso kid, I can have 25 percent ownership in you new dojos? Well, to perform my best, which I fully intend to do, I'm gonna need 50 percent."

Mike Barnes

"If karate used defend honor, defend life, karate mean something. If karate used defend plastic metal trophy, karate no mean nothing."

Mr. Kesuke Miyagi

"Hope confusion end soon, Daniel-san. Miyagi heart empty without you."

Mr. Kesuke Miyagi

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